whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (2024)

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  1. 4 days ago



    whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (6)

    I like it, and every other opinion is wrong.

    • 3 days ago



      I love the entire show, school seasons included. I really don't have the mental energy to argue with the tards in this thread.

      First post best post

      whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (7)

      I think it was straight up sh*t when it came out and I still do, fans of the show are in denial of course but there's a good reason as to why Danny never got another show picked up after this ended
      also it always bothered me that Double D had red clothes in the first 5 seasons yet he had orange clothes in the final season and the promo art, that always bothered me

      Antonucci is 100% correct

  2. 4 days ago



    I think the school seasons weren't quite as strong as the summer ones but still decently funny and had plenty of good and interesting moments, e.g. Hanky Panky Hullaballo and Jingle Jingle Jangle. Big Picture Show was IMO easily one of the best ways for the show to end and an excellent way for the show to go out on its own terms.

    • 3 days ago



      Them going to school was easily the downslide of the show. The show is supposed to capture the whimsy of summertime with no supervision and endless free time, going to school felt fricking stupid cause now every character was slammed together instead of isolated hijinx and it still didn't want to introduce adults so it mainly looked like the kids were larping that it was the school season by running around an empty building.

  3. 4 days ago



    Most of the characters became annoying, flanderization hit them hard.

    • 4 days ago



      Holy frick, you don't even go back to r*ddit, you need to go back to Tvtropes and that's even more pathetic.

      A lot of people think less of them, but I always found them enjoyable. In some ways they were better and in some ways worse. It did make me miss the summer neighborhood setting.
      in all, they're still good and fun to watch, perhaps just not as good as the previous seasons.

      I liked the darker color palette, it had a sort of mellow bittersweet vibe to it. It's exactly how I felt as a kid when summer vacaions ended.

  4. 4 days ago



    Not as good, but still good.
    The seasonal rot hadn't set in just yet. I'd say Antonucci ended it at just the right time.

  5. 4 days ago



    A lot of people think less of them, but I always found them enjoyable. In some ways they were better and in some ways worse. It did make me miss the summer neighborhood setting.
    in all, they're still good and fun to watch, perhaps just not as good as the previous seasons.

  6. 4 days ago



    I always felt that they gave Double D a little too much focus at the expense of Eddy's personality.

    • 4 days ago



      >Double D a little too much focus at the expense of Eddy's personality.
      Ed got the worse of it. He hardly has much to him aside from being the idiot near the end, and just feels purely comic relief. In the The Big Picture Show, he felt sidelined in a movie for Eddy and Double D, despite the fact the movie is supposed to be about all 3 of them.

  7. 4 days ago



    The lack of kids in a school like that seems creepy. On one hand it seems odd cause a lot of episodes that housing being built, which would mean more families and more kids, but on the other hand, it also mean housing production stopped cause there's no money, and the town is a dead town with not many people. Regardless last season was ehhhh

  8. 4 days ago



    whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (8)

    I think it was straight up sh*t when it came out and I still do, fans of the show are in denial of course but there's a good reason as to why Danny never got another show picked up after this ended
    also it always bothered me that Double D had red clothes in the first 5 seasons yet he had orange clothes in the final season and the promo art, that always bothered me

    • 4 days ago



      Is danny antonucci even a good creator? ed edd n eddy seemed like lightning in a bottle

      • 3 days ago



        His previous cartoon is widely considered one of the worst cartoons ever made

        The show always felt surreal to me, not even because of the gags or things that happened, but because there weren’t any adults, even in the school. I know they were doing that whole off screen peanuts thing but it still kind of weirded me out as a kid.

        Not just adults, you never see any kids other than the ones from Peach Creek either

    • 3 days ago




    • 3 days ago



      Danny's on record saying he's not interested in making another show because he doesn't feel like putting up with moronic execs.

      • 3 days ago



        Makes sense, I can easily see EE&E going into actual light or mild adult comedy, bit alot of what he did in the past wouldn't fly today.

        • 3 days ago



          Clip I was referring to btw

    • 3 days ago



      this is a situation that someone will THINK Danny is in the wrong because he's angry.

  9. 4 days ago



    They're fine season(s). The biggest problem is the school setting. It's a challenge to ask your audience to go back to school after having multiple seasons of endless summer (something the first episodes of those seasons tries to address). Especially when a lot of the audience watches the show to get away from the doldrums of school.

  10. 4 days ago



    Not as good as previous seasons, but they weren't that bad. I'll give the showrunners some credit for trying to make the school setting work with a small cast, but it was always weird seeing it so empty.

  11. 4 days ago



    unironically the school setting did nothing for the show. felt more like a CN mandate than anything. there's no teachers, no other students, it feels like they're just larping as students and it's weird. it goes against the vibe of the show and it didn't need to happen. it was a step down from the older seasons but it wasn't awful. i liked the more polished animation but the characters were flanderized. makes sense it ended where it did.

  12. 4 days ago



    i was so excited when they started to flesh out the neighborhood and school
    not too far but just enough

  13. 4 days ago



    Flanderization was pretty bad. The school felt ok but many of the plots seemed mediocre. I did like the school escape episode. The quality problem and flanderization were beginning to show at the end of season 4, it's just that season 5 was the setting change so people associate the quality drop with season 5.

  14. 4 days ago



    Overall bad but little flashes of good. Worth it for the movie, and to not have it end on the old people episode.

  15. 4 days ago



    It was the worst season of the show, but it’s still a solid 6 or 7 outta 10. There were more duds here, but the stuff here that works really works and is among the best of the season, like that power outage episode, the flashback episode, and the dance episode. Also had a soft spot for the report card episode. Double Dee was a narc, sure, but seeing him working overtime to try and outthink Eddy and Ed and actually be in opposition to both of them for once was unique and fun to see.

  16. 4 days ago



    whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (9)

    The movie was one of the few genuinely good endings I've seen.

  17. 4 days ago



    how was the valentines day special the best episode

    • 4 days ago



      Rolf carried that whole episode on his back.

    • 3 days ago



      Yeah watched it last night! Definitely my favourite special. Actually thought Double D and May make a cute pairing and Rolf just having none of it by the end was hilarious.

  18. 4 days ago



    The show always felt surreal to me, not even because of the gags or things that happened, but because there weren’t any adults, even in the school. I know they were doing that whole off screen peanuts thing but it still kind of weirded me out as a kid.

  19. 4 days ago



    Weakest season, but far from bad. Still had a lot of good episodes. My favorite is the one where they try to escape the school.

  20. 4 days ago



    If there were actually other students, none of the plots would have happened as they did.

    Surely Kevin would have found better athletes to represent The Cobblers than Edd and Eddy.

    Surely Eddy could have found a different group of friends to hang out with than Kevin and his pals when he faked being someone else.

    There would have been more kids in the spelling bee.

    There would have been more losers than just the Ed's hoodwinked into going to Johnny's party, and his parents would have been home.

    The parents would also be home in the blackout episode.

    Edd would have gone to the counselor if he was caught injuring the other students.

    There would have been way more kids at the dance.

    So although I'm glad the series continued, having 12 kids roam a school meant for hundreds was just jarring.

    • 3 days ago



      whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (10)

      >Surely Kevin would have found better athletes to represent The Cobblers than Edd and Eddy.
      I have a headcanon for this. Most of the greater population of the student body despise the cul-de-sac kids because they're basically the ghetto kids of Peach Creek. Kevin, despite being the stereotypical popular jock kid, still gets flak by being associated with them so he had to resort to recruiting the dorks of all people because the original team couldn't stand him.

      • 3 days ago



        Would have been fun to see him as an outcast in a wider scope but instead they run around an empty school with faceless phantoms

        • 3 days ago



          Introducing such an onslaught of new characters for the school would've been jarring to many watching. I severely doubt they would've pulled it off without splitting the fanbase or just having it outright rejected. They shouldn't have introduced the school at all.

  21. 4 days ago



    whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (11)

    Guys, I just realized, does the Ed Big Picture Show movie take place during spring or during the summer of the following year?

    • 4 days ago



      The latter, since they didn't seem to be worried they missed school. This also means the entire series takes place within the span of a year.

    • 3 days ago



      whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (12)

      The latter, since they didn't seem to be worried they missed school. This also means the entire series takes place within the span of a year.

      huh, good to know

  22. 4 days ago


    nazz van fartanschmeer

    whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (13)

    haven't really watched it all yet, it seems as with most cartoons the earlier seasons are those i remember & enjoy best but its not like a serious downgrade or anything like adventure time's second half

    • 3 days ago



      IMO seasons 2 - 4 were the golden age. Season 1 has a lot of first season weirdness, especially loaded towards its first half, while season 5 is a clear step down from what came before. I've seen some people really rag on season 4 for being more meta but I like it for that exact reason, it feels like they were REALLY playing around with the concept.

      • 3 days ago



        I feel like some people don’t like the meta jokes because they want to immerse themselves in the fictional world. What they’re in denial of is that nothing they see on screen is real. It’s literally just drawings, the writers can make whatever joke they want in that setting even if it blatantly calls out that world as fake. This is why I’ll never understand cartoons with “lore” that try to take themselves seriously. Cartoons were never meant to go in that direction.

        • 3 days ago



          I'm personally fine with cartoons that have lore and want to be immersive, but yeah it never felt like that was even remotely the point of EEnE and looking for that in the show feels weird to me. Also to clarify by "meta" I meant more how the show started to toy with the core concept a bunch, a lot of the episodes are only just barely related to scams or take the scam premise and stretch it out to an extreme degree. Like that Chimp World episode where Kevin loses his fricking mind over a scam that the Eds aren't even there to preside over.

        • 3 days ago



          >Cartoons were never meant to go in that direction
          moronic boomer exec logic. Cartooning is a medium like any other, and can tell any story that the author wishes, so long as it does it well. That's like saying books were never meant to be comedic.

  23. 3 days ago



    Was the show really that popular?

  24. 3 days ago



    Not having other students and teachers was a moronic decision.

  25. 3 days ago



    i really liked the film, thats the final season for me

  26. 3 days ago



    Did they ever succeed in getting jawbreakers aside from that one episode?

    • 3 days ago



      There was that episode where Eddy convinced Ed to use Sarah's allowance to buy jawbreakers
      Also Kevin invites the Eds to his jawbreaker garage at the end of the movie

  27. 3 days ago



    I liked it. It felt fresh and was a bit of a shock compared to all the other cartoons that never changed anything at all.

  28. 3 days ago



    I always sort of wondered how season 5 became the way it did. People tend to blame the school setting but honestly I thought they did a lot with it. For me the worst thing was just how annoying literally everything in the show became. Te characters, the voice acting, the music, and even the sound effects became so amplified and exaggerated beyond all the seasons before.

  29. 3 days ago



    whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (14)

  30. 3 days ago



    It's okay. After coming back from such a long hiatus it did as well as it could

    I personally don't like it, but that's because in my mind Ed, Edd, N' Eddy takes place in an eternal summer. The platonic ideal of summer vacation in the suburbs.

  31. 3 days ago



    The school seasons would’ve been better if they introduced 4-5 new kids, with no new characters coming into the series it just made them being at school pointless because it took away the scam shenanigans from the show without adding anything new

  32. 3 days ago



    When I was younger I didn't have much of a problem with it, but when I watched it again, I can see why fans didn't like it.

    The school was just boring compared to the iconic cul de sack. There was also this weird/uncanny aspect with their just being the regular cast in an empty school that takes big suspension of disbelief, even though I do no introducing more characters like other kids and teachers would've made the show jump the shark. And the episodes were just plain weak, they mostly consisted of Eddy doing something asinine with Double D complaining about. And I also kinda felt the rest of the characters stopped mattering a little.

    The the Eds themselves:Eddy was angrier and most of his lines were just yelling and acted almost as dumb as Ed. Ed just spoke mostly nonsense, not even memorable lines anymore, and was pretty much Eddy's dumber crony. Double D got way too much focus and the moralhom*osexualry reached no heights to point you wonder he was even friends with Eddy and Ed since he would go against them or whine about everything they do so much. All of this really spoiled their dynamic.

    It was all just a downgrade.

whats the consensus on the final season(s) of ed edd n eddy? (2024)


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