Moving to Spain - How to Immigrate to Spain? (2024)

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Life in the Spanish territory can be thriving and exciting, especially for people that are looking for a fresh start. Spain offers a lifestyle that many people desire, which is why there are currently about 6 million expats living in Spanish cities. Expats are drawn by the beautiful sunny weather, breathtaking beaches, and quality of life.

If you are thinking about packing your things and moving to Spain but do not know how to do that yet, this article will serve as a guide on how you can move to Spain.

Who Can Move to Spain?

Anyone can move to Spain; however, the moving process is easier for certain groups of people:

  • EU/EEA and Switzerland citizens can pack their bags and move to Spain without obtaining a Spanish visa. They can live and work in Spain for three months. However, if they want to stay for a period longer than three months, they must take other legal steps.
  • Non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens must acquire a temporary residence if they want to stay in Spain for more than three months. They must live in Spain for five continuous years so that they can become eligible for permanent residency in Spain.

Why Should I Move to Spain?

If you are still considering whether moving to Spain is a good idea, here are some pros and cons of moving to Spain to help you make up your mind:

Universal healthcare— the Spanish healthcare system is funded by the government and ranked 7th best in the world. The country offers universal coverage for all residents, including expats.Bureaucracy—Spain is a bureaucratic country, so it is inevitable to encounter numerous paperwork while living there. So be prepared to wait in long lines as sometimes simple processes can also take days or weeks.
Work opportunities— Spain is a great city for professional individuals who want to work abroad. The country also offers a wide prospect of job opportunities in specific industries and job sectors that are in need of highly-skilled workers.Heat— although nice sunny weather is what most expats want, in Spain, the heat can be a huge drawback. During the summer months, the heat can be extreme that you can barely go outside.
Living costs— Spain is not an expensive country to live in, although there are differences within regions. A couple can live comfortably on about $2,200 to $2,400 per month in most cities of Southern Spain.Language barrier— even though English is one of the most popular spoken languages worldwide, not everyone will know English while you are in the country. You will need at least some basic Spanish to communicate with the locals.
Diversity— in Spain, you will find a great mix of different cultures, traditions, and beliefs. The country is welcoming towards foreigners so that you can make new friends quickly.
Free movement within the EU— once you become a resident of Spain, you are entitled to free movement to all 26 member states of the Schengen Area. You can also work and live in any other country in the EU.
Safety— ranked as the 38th safest country in the world, Spain has a relatively low crime rate.

Looking for health insurance options for Spain? Look no further. The leading Spanish health insurance company Adeslas offers comprehensive coverage for expats moving to Spain. You can purchase Adeslas’ products at InnoInsure.

How Can I Move to Spain as an EU Citizen?

Spain is part of the European Union, which means that as an EU citizen, you cherish the same rights are other EU nationals. You are allowed to seek employment, study in another member state of the EU, and move freely from one EU country to another without obtaining an entry visa.

However, as an EU citizen moving to Spain, you will need to register and be added to the Central Register of Foreign Nationals and obtain a residence certificate at a Foreigners’ Office or local police station within three months of arriving in Spain.

How Can I Move to Spain as a Non-EU Citizen?

Depending on why you wish to move to Spain, you must select the type of long-stay visa and residence permit corresponding to your travel purpose. You need a long-stay visa to apply for a residence permit. A long-stay (D visa) visa will allow you to stay in the Spanish territory for long-term residency.

Here is how you can move to Spain for over three months:

  • Move to Spain for work.
  • Move to Spain to study.
  • Move to Spain for family reunification.
  • Move to Spain for retirement.

Moving to Spain to Work

Unfortunately, as a non-EU citizen, you cannot just move to Spain and get a job there. You need to obtain a work visa if you want to move to Spain and participate in a paid activity.

Spain offers a variety of work visas for anyone who wants to work there and is always in search of highly skilled individuals for professions in employee shortage.

You can also apply for an EU Blue Card if you are a highly skilled individual who can fill the position in a job with a worker shortage.

Moving to Spain to Study

To get a study visa, you first need to be enrolled in an accredited educational institution in Spain, and then apply for a Spain student visa.

Once you obtain your student visa and arrive in Spain, you need to get a Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) as proof that you are allowed to stay legally in the country for more than six months.

A student visa will also permit you to work part-time or in a temporary position as long as it does not affect your studies.

Moving to Spain for Family Reunification

If you have a family member, who is a legal resident of Spain, you can join them by applying for a family reunification visa.

However, before applying for a family visa, your family member must have their residence permit renewed. Once the family member has his/her residence permit renewed, you can apply for a family visa at the Spanish diplomatic missions in your country.

Moving to Spain for Retirement

Although Spain does not have a designated visa for retirement, it offers other pathways that can lead to retirement. Two of the most popular ways for retirement in Spain among foreign retirees are the Golden visa, also known as the Spain Investor visa, and the Non-Lucrative Visa.

To be eligible for retirement in Spain, you must have a clear criminal record and meet the financial requirements. Therefore, you must be financially independent and have sufficient funds to support yourself.

A Golden visa can also lead to permanent residency in Spain.

How Can I Move to Spain Permanently?

You acquire the right to become a permanent resident of Spain if you reside legally in the Spanish territory for a continuous period of five years. However, certain groups of people can enjoy their right to permanent residency before completing their five-year residency in Spain. This includes the following:

  • Workers or self-employed individuals that have reached the age for a pension when they stop working and have lived in Spain for more than three years.
  • Self-employed individuals who take up early retirement if they have worked in Spain for the preceding 12 months and have lived in Spain for more than three years.
  • Workers or self-employed individuals who have resided in Spain for more than two years and had to stop working due to permanent incapacity to work.
  • Workers or self-employed individuals who, after three years of working and living in Spain, work in an employed or self-employed capacity in another member state but still retain their residence in Spain.

Can I Apply for Spanish Citizenship After Moving to Spain?

Acquiring Spanish citizenship takes more effort than just simply moving to Spain. After 10 years of legal residence in Spain with your residence permit, you can easily apply for citizenship in Spain.

Other ways you can obtain citizenship in Spain include citizenship by birth, by residency, by marriage, by descent, and by option.

Spanish citizenship also grants you the right to vote.

Can I Move to Spain With Pets?

Yes, you can bring your pets to Spain; however, there are specific rules you must follow to be allowed entry into Spanish territory. The rules change depending on the country you are entering Spain from.

The general rules for bringing your pet to Spain are:

  • Pets must be at least 12 weeks and 21 days old.
  • You cannot bring more than five pets.

EU Nationals Entering Spain With Pets

Present the following documents if you are entering Spain with your pet from an EU country:

  • Microchip issued before 2011.
  • Vaccination card as proof your pet is vaccinated against rabies.
  • European pet passport.

Non-EU Nationals Entering Spain With Pets

Nationals from non-EU countries (including the UK) can enter Spain from one of the appointed points of entry (Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Malaga) and must declare that you have entered the Spanish territory with a pet to the Guardia Civil Tax Department.

Present the following documents if you are entering Spain with your pet from a non-EU country:

  • Microchip issued before 2011.
  • Vaccination card as proof your pet is vaccinated against rabies.
  • European pet passport.
  • Health certificate by a veterinarian (translated into Spanish).
  • Statement that the pet is not being relocated for commercial purposes.
  • Blood test for rabies (required for certain countries).

Most Popular Areas in Spain for Expats

Here are some of the most popular places for expats to move to in Spain:

  • Barcelona
  • Madrid
  • Valencia
  • Granada
  • Seville


When thinking about moving to a cosmopolitan city with great bars, restaurants, and museums, Barcelona is definitely the right place. The city is packed with residents from all over the world and is a great place for couples with children. Barcelona offers an excellent quality of life, beautiful natural surroundings, and great architecture. However, before moving to Barcelona, one should consider the budget since the city is known to be expensive compared to other Spanish cities.


Madrid is the number one choice for expats moving to Spain, and there is a reason for that. The marvellous city will offer your everything you need to have a comfortable life. Madrid is known for its healthcare services, which are considered some of the best in the country, great infrastructure, and overall an affordable and efficient public transport system. It is the perfect place whether you are a student, looking for a job, or moving with your family.


If you want to move to a place that will bring you closer to the Spanish culture, in Valencia, you will find the epitome of everything Spanish. Valencia will offer you a safe environment, a great climate, a good urban environment, and everything necessary for pleasant accommodation. The city has a significant expat community, so blending in will not be a problem. Another benefit of moving to Valencia is the low living costs and great quality healthcare. The city is cheaper compared to other areas in Spain and is also one of the healthiest cities when it comes to access to healthcare services, quality of healthcare, and the cleanliness of the environment.


Granda is the perfect place if you want to move away from the coast and locate in Southern Spain. Although Granda is not a big city, it is a great location for both the mountains and the sea so you can enjoy a relaxed lifestyle while living there. Besides offering a southern Spanish lifestyle, a safe and clean environment, and affordable living costs, the city is also very welcoming towards foreigners.


If architecture and flamenco dancing is something that you are passionate about, then you must move to Seville. Seville is the largest city in Southern Spain, known for its rich architecture, reliable transportation, and affordable cost of living. The city has a Mediterranean climate, so even during the cold months, you will have nice weather. Seville is one of the safest cities in Spain and perfect for individuals looking for a sunny and peaceful place, especially for people who plan to retire in Spain.

»Move to Spain from UK

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Moving to Spain - How to Immigrate to Spain? (2024)


How hard is it for an American to immigrate to Spain? ›

Requirements for moving to Spain from the US:

If you are a US citizen planning to move to Spain, there are several requirements you must fulfill. These include obtaining the necessary visa prior to your arrival in Spain (with some exceptions). Also, btaining residency (your TIE card) once you arrive in Spain.

How do I immigrate to Spain? ›

Legal requirements to live in Spain
  1. Obtain a residency permit.
  2. Rent a home.
  3. Register with Social Security.
  4. Get an NIE (Foreigner Identity Number).
  5. Get registered on the Electoral Roll.
  6. Get a TIE (Foreigner Identity Card).
  7. Register as self-employed if you're going to work as a freelancer.

Where do most Americans live in Spain? ›

Madrid and Barcelona are the cities most loved by expats in Spain. Thousands of expats and digital nomads find their home here every year. There are plenty of work opportunities in Madrid and Barcelona for those looking to relocate to Spain.

Can I just move to Spain and live there? ›

You acquire the right to become a permanent resident of Spain if you reside legally in the Spanish territory for a continuous period of five years. However, certain groups of people can enjoy their right to permanent residency before completing their five-year residency in Spain.

How much money do I need to immigrate to Spain? ›

In calculating the proof of income for non-lucrative residency, you must have an annual income of 400% of IPREM in your bank account. The IPREM for 2023 is €600 per month. Therefore, as an individual, you will need to have €2,400 as a regular guaranteed monthly income or a yearly income of €28,800.

How much money do you need in the bank to get residency in Spain? ›

So, based on the above, if you are applying for residency in Spain in 2024 we recommend proving: A regular monthly income of at least €600 OR a lump sum/savings of at least €7500 in a Spanish bank account. All financial proof needs to be in Spanish and stamped by the issuing Spanish bank.

Does Spain accept immigrants? ›

In 2005 alone, the immigrant population of Spain increased by 700,000 people. Spain accepted 478,990 new immigrant residents in just the first six months of 2022 alone. During these months, 220,443 people also emigrated from Spain, leaving a record-breaking net migration figure of 258,547.

Can I live in Spain permanently? ›

When Can I Apply for Permanent Residency in Spain? Once you have lived in Spain for five years, you can apply for permiso de residencia a larga duracion (permission to reside in the country). This means that you will be able to live in Spain indefinitely without any immigration conditions.

How to start a life in Spain? ›

The essential checklist for moving to Spain
  1. Do your research.
  2. Decide where you want to live.
  3. Arrange your Spanish visa.
  4. Move your belongings to Spain.
  5. Arrange your pet's move to Spain.
  6. Think about health insurance.
  7. Start looking for a job.
  8. Sort out your finances.

How much is rent in Spain? ›

Rent and Apartment in Spain: Housing options come in a range of flavors, meeting diverse budgets and tastes, from $500 to $1,500 a month. Spain living expenses: Expenses like electricity, water, heating, cooling, and garbage bills average around €100 - €200.

Is moving to Spain a good idea? ›

Good quality of life: Spain consistently earns its place among the top nations for quality of living, thanks to its quality healthcare system, affordable cost of living, and pleasant environment. This is reflected in its ranking within the top ten countries on the Quality of Life Index.

Is it cheaper to live in Spain or USA? ›

This's especially true if you're planning to work remotely and earn in USD. On average, the cost of living in Spain is 123% cheaper than in the USA. The biggest differences in cost are in rent, utilities, groceries, daycare, and health insurance.

How much does a house in Spain cost? ›

Average house price in Spain in 2nd quarter 2023, by region (in euros per square meter)
CharacteristicPrice in euros per square meter built
Balearic Islands2,549
9 more rows
Nov 20, 2023

Which is the safest city in Spain? ›

Ranking of the safest cities in Spain
  • Albacete. Tranquillity breeds safety which is why Albacete is top of the list. ...
  • Palencia. Castile and León is also ranked near the top because of Palencia. ...
  • Pontevedra. ...
  • San Sebastián. ...
  • Orihuela.
Apr 9, 2024

Is Spain good for American expats? ›

Rather than living to work, the Spanish work to live; downtown and siestas are a cultural norm. Spain is considered one of the number one countries for expats regarding quality of life, ranking highly in the US News publication for quality of life and a top ten position for quality of life in the Global Passport Index.

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The 10 Easiest Countries To Immigrate As an Expat
1. Canada2. Australia3. Germany
4. New Zealand5. Singapore6. Sweden
7. Ireland8. Netherlands9. Costa Rica
10. Malta
Mar 22, 2024

Can a US citizen get citizenship in Spain? ›

After 10 years of living in Spain, you can obtain Spanish nationality by residence, thus becoming a Spanish citizen.

Can a US citizen become a resident of Spain? ›

The residence permit is usually issued for a period of 2 years, renewable, provided that you still meet the economic requirements and you have lived at least 183 days in Spain each year. After 5 years of holding the temporary residence permit, you will be eligible for permanent residency.


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.