How to change starting lineup and player position (2024)

published onintoday

NBA 2K23 offers gamers a chance to experience basketball in all possible ways. You get to go to college and play in the NBA G League before declaring for the draft in MyCareer, and you can also act as a general manager in MyTeam.

Players can simulate and experience an entire season in MyLeague, including the draft, the 82-game regular season, All-Star weekend and the playoffs. NBA 2K introduced the play-in tournament in MyLeague after NBA 2K21.

The game has received a lot of love from the gaming community, especially for the MyPlayer Builder and MyTeam features. Even hidden gems like the Shoe Maker and NBA 2K Beats are incredible, with new shoes and tracks.

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To play the best, you need to adjust your lineup and player position. Star players dictate the offense, so one would obviously want to utilize their team's star in the best way possible. So let's take a look at how to adjust your team's roster in NBA 2K23 in MyLeague.

How to change starting lineup in NBA 2K23 MyLeague?

"League News" section in MyLeague as seen in NBA 2K20 (Source: Operation Sports)

MyLeague gives players a chance to experience everything an NBA season has to offer, and part of that is adjusting your roster to win games.

In the current positionless era of basketball, players aren't fixed to their positions and often switch between roles on the court. Giannis Antetokounmpo can be a center as well as a forward, and Steph Curry can rotate between either backcourt positions, while LeBron James can play any of the five roles.

To change the starting lineup in NBA 2K23, go to the "Coaching" tab in the main menu or the pause menu of your ongoing game. Visit "Coach Gameplan," and change your lineup.

You can also choose from a variety of lineups before each game begins, after you've selected the opponent from your schedule. You can change your uniform/colors by clicking Y/(Triangle), and once you're done picking jerseys, different lineups are displayed for you. You can choose from the bench, a 3-point shooting lineup, a defensive lineup and many more from your team.

You can build any team you want in NBA 2K23 and deploy it in MyLeague. Build your own roster under "Create a Roster" in the main menu, and use it in MyLeague before starting the season.

Choose "User Created Roster" and select your team, instead of the "Official 2K Sports Roster" and "Injury-Free Roster."

How to change player position in NBA 2K23 MyLeague?

Another way to change your starting lineup in NBA 2K23 is by pressing the D-pad up on your controller during an ongoing game. You can switch out the players you want with those on the bench. It's a shortcut for substitutions, and you can only swap between players on the bench and on the floor but among them.

If you wish to completely re-arrange the lineup, pause your match, select "Gameplan" in the pause menu, and choose "Substitutions." You can swap between any player and position, and the substitution will take effect at the next dead ball. You can call a timeout with the Touch Pad/Back Button if you want, and the new lineup will take the floor once the timeout ends.

When you choose between lineups at the start of every game in NBA 2K23, you can swap players in any lineup by selecting the player and repositioning them in the 15-man lineup.

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How to change starting lineup and player position (2024)


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